Monthly schedule of cultural activities

things to do

Monthly schedule of cultural activities

If there is something that defines us as a people, it is our  festivals  and traditions rooted in time, which will immerse   you in the history of our ancestors, helping you to understand our way of life.

In Calella we are active by nature! Whether it's winter, spring, summer or autumn... we always have events to celebrate and this dynamism is part of  the DNA of our city's associations.

Thanks to the willingness of our people, in Calella you can enjoy more than 1000 cultural activities throughout the year, because holidays mean rest, but  also enjoy experiences, emotions and the richness of popular culture. That is why we encourage you to participate in the activities that you will find published on  the  calendar each month: spring festivals, summer nights  in the open air, autumn walks, family Christmas activities that warm winter nights...

Come and meet us, we are waiting for you all year round!


Highlights of the month


  • Place: Different places of the city
  • Schedule: Check the activities program
  • Prices: Check the activities program

Activities program

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