The workshop is aimed at tour operators and travel agents, in order to make known the tourist offer of Barcelona and its surroundings.
Calella took part yesterday in the workshop "Barcelona ist viel mehr", organized by the Diputació de Barcelona in the German city of Hamburg. The meeting was attended by public entities and private companies from the demarcation of Barcelona, and by the main agencies and tour operators of Germany as well.
In this action, firstly, the Office of Tourism Promotion of the Diputació made a presentation of the province of Barcelona and all its tourist resources to locate the participants, and then held the workshop.
Esta promoción es muy importante para conocer de la mano de los turoperadores y agencias alemanes la opinión que tienen de Calella.
This promotion is very important to know by the hand of the tour operators and German agencies the opinion that they have of Calella. If we look at the occupancy statistics of the accommodation in 2016, Calella recorded a decrease of -8.15% of German tourists, yet Germany was the first country of tourists origin in our city with a 18,93%. In 2017 the trend continues to decline, although October is not finished, it is 1.93 points less than last year, 17%.
However, if we analyse the web access data from Germany, there is a certain growing interest in the destination. During 2017, visits to the web have grown 102% over the previous year and when they do from mobile devices this indicator shows an increase of 219%. As for the contents most visited by the German users, the most important are the Lighthouse of Calella, how to get to Calella, cycling, shopping and beaches. Apart from the interest in the activities of the destination, the Germans are also interested in the surroundings of Calella and what to visit near the city.